Help sustain the YES FM Worship Stream image

Help sustain the YES FM Worship Stream

Enable YES FM Worship to function through its own support, not pulling from the YES FM budget.

$200 raised

$3,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Worship Every Day!

Worship every day with YES FM Worship. YES FM Worship provides non-stop 24/7/365 praise and worship music from your favorite worship artists, including:

Maverick City Music, The various Hillsong groups, Elevation Worship, Jesus Culture, Lauren Daigle, Kim Walker-Smith, Rend Collective, Phil Wickham, Natalie Grant, Matt Maher, Chris Tomlin, Gateway Worship, Crowder, Cory Asbury, Bryan and Katie Torwalt, and many many more!

You can hear YES FM Worship at,, on the free YES FM Worship mobile app for Android and iPhone.