YES FM is looking to bring Zauntee to Toledo for a concert to celebrate YES FM's 30 Anniversary on the air! We cannot do it without your help. We are looking to have the costs covered so that all tickets sales will benefit YES FM 100%.
YES FM went on the air on November 14, 1992, bringing a unique format that appeals to youth and families. We have seen many lives radically changed through God's live saving power. Lives that would normally not listen to your typical Christian radio station.
Zauntee's new song, "Jesus Called My Name" is already one of YES FM's highest rated songs by our listeners. Other songs from Zauntee include, "Center Stage", "God Taught Me", "Back from the Dead", "I'm Sorry", and many more.
Your donation will go a long way to bring a concert of this caliber to Toledo and see lives changed by Zauntee's passionate, heartfelt lyrics with music that will appeal to all ages.
Toledo doesn't get many concerts like this. Let's make it happen!